Development of New and Novel Inspection Systems for Composite Aircraft Non-Destructive Testing / NANOSCAN

Project code: G4ST-CT-2002-50288
ES programme: Framework Programe 5 (FP5)

Project flyer

The objective of the project

To develop novel non-destructive techniques for detection of specific defects in composite materials during and after manufacture.

Ultrasound institute

Has developed ultrasonic non-destructive testing methods of composite aerospace materials based on application of ultrasonic imaging camera and air-coupled ultrasound.

Project partners

Ettermeyer AG (Germany), Computerised Information Technology Ltd (UK), Tecnitest Ingenieros SL (Spain), Godfrey Hands Ltd (UK), RD Tech Europe (France), NDT Consultants Ltd (UK), Sonatest Plc (UK), Horton Levi Ltd (UK), TWI (UK), Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania).

Related information

  1. R.Kažys, L.Mažeika, E.Žukauskas. Investigation of accurate imaging of the defects in composite materials using ultrasonic air-coupled technique. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology. 2011. Vol. 41. No.1/2/3/4. p.105 – 116. /pdf/
  2. Demčenko, E. Žukauskas, L. Mažeika, R. Kažys. Measurement of the A0 mode phase velocity in GLARE3-3/2 composite with air – coupled ultrasonic techniques. Insight. Vol. 47. No. 3. 2005. p. 163-167. /pdf/
  3. A.Demčenko, E. Žukauskas, R. Kažys, A. Voleišis. Interaction of the A0 Lamb wave mode with a delamination type defect in GLARE3-3/2 composite material. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 92. No. 4. 2006. p. 540-548.
  4. R. Kažys, A. Demčenko, E. Žukauskas, L.Mažeika. Air-coupled ultrasonic investigation of multi-layered composite materials. Ultrasonics. Vol. 44. 2006. p. e819–e822. /pdf/
  5. R. Kažys, A. Demčenko, L. Mažeika, R. Šliteris, E. Žukauskas. Air-coupled ultrasonic non-destructive testing of aerospace components. Insight. Vol.49. No.4. 2007. p. 195-199. /pdf/
  6. R.Kažys, A. Demčenko, L.Mažeika, R.Šliteris, E.Žukauskas. Investigation of mode conversion in ultrasonic air-coupled non-destructive testing. Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing: proceedings of the 4th international conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 2-4 April 2007. Leiden: Taylor & Francis / Balkema, 2008. ISBN 9780415464765. p. 129-135.
  7. A.Demčenko, E.Žukauskas, R.Kažys, A.Voleišis. Investigation of interaction of the Lamb wave with delamination type defect in GLARE composite using air-couplet ultrasonic technique. Forum Acusticum 2005. 2005, 29 August -2 September, Budapest, Hungary: proceedings. Budapest: OPAKFI Tudomanyos Egyesulet, 2005. ISBN 9638241683. p. 2817-2822.


2003 - 2005