Medium range Ultrasonic inspection technique for detecting micro-biologically induced corrosion in automatic fire sprinkler systems / SprinkTest

Project code: FP7-SME-2013-605050
ES programme: Framework Programe 7 (FP7)

Project flyer.

The objective of the project

SprinkTest aims to inspect automatic fire sprinkler systems by developing a medium range ultrasonic test (MRUT) system, using higher frequency ultrasound, smaller flexible transducers to gain access to confined spaces, lower power electronics to allow hand-held portability and sophisticated software to process signals.


The installation of sprinklers can result in substantial reductions in insurance premiums and so insurance companies are becoming increasingly interested in their proper installation and function. The proper functioning of fire sprinkler systems can be catastrophically undermined by corrosion. The water in the system pipes is stagnant and, if inhibitors are inactive, then this can give rise to microbiological induced corrosion (MIC), which leads to leaks.

Ultrasound Institute

Will develop automatic sprinkler testing method including numerical simulations, experiments and validation.

Projekto partneriai

Plant Integrity LTD (United Kingdom), WLB limited (Cyprus), Smart material GmbH (Germany), TesTex (United Kingdom), DVC NV (Belgium), Innora (Greece), European Fire Sprinkler Network (United Kingdom), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania).

2013 - 2015